Leanne Heslop - All Things Flying Changes clinic
Saturday 15 March 2025
Entries close in 3 days
10 upcoming events
Next event:
29/03/2025 Sally Walker Dressage & Schooling Clinic, Co Durham
Find out more ..
Class 1. 20km Pony Club Competitive Ride. Complete the course
as near to 12kph as possible with one penalty added for every heart beat (at
the final vetting) faster than 44 beats per min. The disadvantage of going
faster than 12kph is that it will increase your horses heart rate at the final
vetting, leading to further penalties. Suitable for all pony club members, but
please remember that if you are under 12yrs of age you need to be
accompanied by an adult
Class 2. 20km Pleasure Ride
Class 3. 10km Pleasure Ride
Class 2 and 3 open to all PC members (it doesn’t matter how small or hairy your pony is)
and all adults and non PC riders (50, 60, 70 and 80 yr olds especially welcome). Distance
points available for N&E Yorks EGB members.
Entry Fees. Classes 1, 2 and 3 £25.00
All competitors under the age of 12 yrs need to be accompanied by an adult with a maximum
of 2 children to each adult. Maps, details of the ride, a list of entries and start times will be
available on the BWY Pony Club websites 2/3 days and emailed out before the competition.
When you arrive go and declare your attendance to the secretary and hand in your PC
Endurance mastercard/local EGB card, if you have one.
Pony Club members doing Class 1 please remember to present your horse to the vet half an
hour before the start of your ride and again within 30 mins of finishing
Rosettes and Easter Eggs to all those who finish.
Class 4 5km Easter Egg Hunt £ 15.00
All riders on the Easter Egg Hunt must be 10yrs old or under and should be accompanied by
an adult on foot. They will have to discover clues which will reward with Easter eggs when they complete the ride.
Have you already entered this event? Check online now.
Bedale West of Yore Pony Club
The Club Secretary
Fountains Farm
Contact: Karen Black
E: bedalewestofyores@pcuk.org
Thorp Perrow
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