Dressage Arenas with white boards on outdoor Arena
Monday 10 March 2025
Entries close TODAY!
Dressage Arenas with white boards on outdoor Arena
Monday 10 March 2025
Entries close TODAY!
7 upcoming events
Next event:
11/03/2025 Polework Clinic with Kerry Dicken
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HORSEVENTS is dedicated to providing the best online entry system for horse and pony competitors across Yorkshire and the rest of the UK. Yorkshire ("God's County") comprises the four counties of North, South and West Yorkshire and the East Riding. All Show Organisers can register, enter diary dates, upload schedules and take online entries for horse events for FREE - any equine event qualifies for addition to the site. If you are a Show Organiser and have not already registered then register now and get your horse events out to as many competitors as you can. If you are a competitor looking for an event to enter then use the Event Filter on the left to find what you are after or try out the Advanced Search.