Leanne Heslop - All Things Flying Changes clinic
Saturday 15 March 2025
Entries close in 3 days
6 upcoming events
Next event:
10/04/2025 Two day 12-21 training camp at Somerford
Find out more ..
After over 11 years of being online we have amassed a lot of online entry data which makes for some very interesting interrogation. Obviously we would never reveal any personal data but we can create some pretty charts that demonstrate trends and patterns that could prove interesting, if not in fact useful in deciding actions to be taken, either by ourselves, our Show Organisers or our Competitors.
Our first point of interest is the following chart that shows the time of day that entries have been made at horsevents.co.uk. It is not surprising to see very little activity in the early hours of the morning when everyone is either busy sleeping or going about their morning equine routine, but once the horses are tucked up we see that our busiest times are actually late evening between 8pm and 11pm - so Show Organisers that can leave their entries open until midnight could gain more than those that close at 7 or 8pm!
The pie chart that follows shows the % split of all purchases based on the number of entries made per purchase. 64% of all purchases made are for a single entry at a time, so in the majority of cases people are entering one person in one class, rather than entering a few classes at a time or making multiple entries for multiple riders. Show Organisers could make more use of the Related Events feature to encourage multiple entries at one go. Or does it demonstrate more the nature of equine activity that we enter one class at a time as anything could happen to dampen the horse or the rider's confidence before the next competition?
Our final chart goes to show how three months of lockdown at the start of 2021 has left everyone with a desire to get out and about with their horses. It shows the Top Ten busiest days of all time on horsevents.co.uk, and EIGHT of the Top Ten are from the last two weeks. Since the Equine world reopened on March 29th people have been entering pleasure rides, one day events, showjumping, dressage and arena hire with unprecdented gusto. Horsey people haven't been waiting for a haircut, a pint nor Primani, they have been waiting to get out and about with their BFF.
Hopefully you have found these charts as interesting as us. Carry on Horsing About.