Leanne Heslop - All Things Flying Changes clinic
Saturday 15 March 2025
Entries close in 3 days
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Another year ends and a new one begins but before we look forward to what 2024 might bring we always like to take a quick look back over the previous year and produce a few charts as well.
2023 saw a continued increase in entries through horsevents.co.uk, helped by the sign up of new Show Organisers and increased entries from existing Organisers. Our first chart shows the pattern of entries increase since we started in 2010:
We have previously looked at the number of entries made at a time so let's do that same comparison for 2023, when we see that 90% of all transactions made have been made up of just 1 or 2 entries at a time. There are a small number of large entry transactions (one person entered 32 classes in one transaction!) but the bulk of people tend to enter 1 or a max of 2 classes at a time. This is more probably indicative of the nature of the equine industry where you never know what the weather or your horse might throw at you, so do not want to book too far ahead!
This year we have decided to also have a look at the organisation types that all the 2023 entries were made at. Not surprisingly over 60% of all entries are made at equestrian centres, but given that is their full time business and some centres are running events almost daily it does not jump out as a startling fact. Our biggest growing organiser type is the Freelance trainer, who have been seeing the benefits of using horsevents.co.uk for their training sessions, helping to reduce non payment or non attendees, and improving the admin side of things to allow the trainers to concentrate on what they do best: training (and thus eaning money!). They now account for 10% of all entries in 2023. It will be interesting to see if that continues to rise in 2024 as more freelance trainers see the benefits of an online booking system like horsevents.co.uk.
As always we are looking forward to a great 2024, full of optimism for a dryer year than 2023, but not as dry and hot as 2022, somewhere in between please Mr Weatherman to reduce the number of event cancellations caused by bad weather.
Happy Riding!