Leanne Heslop - All Things Flying Changes clinic
Saturday 15 March 2025
Entries close in 3 days
4 upcoming events
Next event:
15/03/2025 Brimham flat lessons
Find out more ..
With the new Normal comes the requirement for online entries. BS members have enjoyed years of just turning up at day shows and entering classes that suit them at the time, now they have to plan ahead, select carefully and enter on time.
Here at Horsevent.co.uk we are trying to make that transition for BS entrants as smooth and as simple as possible, and also for the Organisers of BS Shows. As the longest established equine online entry system and being run by equine competitors we feel we are in the right place to offer the best service. Are you a British Showjumping Show Organiser? Read On..
Administering BS Shows through horsevents is made as simple as possible through our Show Organiser Zone. Register yourself as an Organiser then add your Venue(s) and add your Show Dates and classes and you're away
Registration is Free, no Monthly Fees, no Event Fees, no Admin Fees, essentially there are No Fees (if we handle your payments). You can handle your own payments- it is your choice, either way you will receive your entry fees in FULL with no deductions for anything not even merchant or bank fees. All costs are covered by a Booking Fee paid by the competitor (one of the lowest in the Country by the way) so you receive every penny. We can also handle your prize money payment as well so that everything remains cashless in the new Normal with a single BACS payment being made to you for the difference the day after the Show.
Each event is controlled by you, you set the closing date/time (down to the second), the entry fees, the information required from each competitor and the system can ensure members enter their horse, rider and owner numbers so you know you have them for the Show. At any time you can watch the entries come in and download a list of entrants. After the closing date you can then produce your start list/drawn order and upload that to horsevents.co.uk for competitors to view.
You can also add an image of your choice to your diary dates (your logo perhaps?), a downloadable schedule or even have a landing page of your own if you run a number of events such as horsevents.co.uk/Stainsby (click to view a real Centre's landing page).
Should you need any help getting started we are only an email or telephone call away. We can hold your hand as long as you need us, helping set your account up, adding your dates, uploading scheduled, monitoring entries and setting up your landing page. Or you can completely do things yourself.