Leanne Heslop - All Things Flying Changes clinic
Saturday 15 March 2025
Entries close in 3 days
8 upcoming events
Next event:
16/03/2025 Hobby Horse Adventures - Harrogate Riding Centre, North Yorkshire
Find out more ..
We are so close! The Show Organiser Zone is very near completion and will certainley be out before 2020 (which was the target we had in mind- although we did say it needed to be right rather than out early!). The new Zone is sleeker and faster than the current Show Organiser control panel and allows you to manage your events with less backwards and forwards clicks. All the same features have been retained along with a few extra options.
When the Zone gets released you will find the new options are:
As you can see there are some new additions to the Show Organiser Zone- all of which are intended to make life easier for you to manage your events on horsevents.co.uk. Should you think of anything else that you think would make your life easier then do not hesitate to let us know about it. We are always open to suggestions for new features and improvements.
STAY TUNED! Not long now!!!